Professional Philosphy
As a ___________, I believe that it is my job to help_ to make the transition into ________.
I believe that in first helping a community we have to first see where their priorities are and what they deem their needs to be, if we can give them a stake in the programs we create we will have a greater overall effectiveness and impact in the lives of those involved. Once we determine the needs and wants of our population, we must find way to best reach our audience by using methods that appeal to their age group culture. Integrating all types of educational tools and forms of communication that can be used effectively will help communicate and draw our audiences in.
My goal is to be a constant learner and to have an open and creative mind to best reach audiences so that they may better themselves in all dimensions of their lives. And to test my theories against the results and to give a unbiased portrayal of the results so that my next attempts can be more informed and better directed.